The Pylon Eco Token (PETN) team is glad to announce that our token will be listed on the XT.COM crypto exchange. Just several hours ago representatives of the crypto exchange made an official announcement regarding that. Please, click on that link and you’ll be forwarded to the XT.COM exchange website and you’ll see their announcement concerning this issue:
As you know, cryptos on the exchange are traded in pairs. So, the management of XT.COM decided that 2 pairs will be created for Pylon Eco Token: PETN/USDT and PETNL/BTC. The first pair will be traded against the Tether (USDT) and the second against the Bitcoin.
We would like to remind the prospect PETN holders that currently the company still runs a Pre ICO phase, where we plan to distribute 10 million tokens. The unit price of the PETN token is $ 0.12. As you may know, for this moment 1.7375 million tokens have been already distributed.
Needless to say, how drastically the price on PETN will change after it will be listed on XT.COM. So, for those folks who have a desire to purchase the tokens, but still hesitating, this is the right moment to do it.
Now, in two words about the XT.COM Exchange. It was launched in Oct 2018 as a centralized exchange headquartered in Hong Kong, but it has offices in Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Spain. According to, the daily volume on XT.COM Exchange reached up to $1,456,763,223.57. This is undoubtedly an impressive figure that will increase in the future.
The Pylon Eco Token (PETN) team strongly believes that due to partnership with XT.COM Exchange, our token will have a bright future that should bring many benefits to our investors, people who believed in us from the very starting point.
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